Sunday, February 20, 2011

Iceland weather 2010 and consequences of the Eruption.

Distribution of ash thickness, Eyjafjallajökull eruption  Discharge from Jökulsá á Fjöllum, during 5 summers
source: Iceland Met Office 

ENG: I now have some answer to my questions. The Iceland Met Office published 2 very interesting reports: one about the fairly warm year of 2010 in Iceland and one about the consequences of the ashes of the Eyjafjallajökull eruption. It's very interesting and you can see that I experienced big above average river floods all around the Vatnajökull. This shows my not so idiot reaction of walking onto 2 glaciers without crampons! The water discharge of the Jökulsá á Fjöllum is roughly 40% higher in July 2010 (black) compared to the previous 4 summers. And obviously was the trend for all other rivers.

FRA: à traduire.

NL: te vertalen

Icelandic weather and windchill

ENG: Below, what can be experienced in quiet good weather for mid-January.
FRA: Ci-dessous, de bonnes conditions météo en Islande pour la mi-Janvier.
NL: Hieronder, goeie weersomstandigheden in Ijsland voor midden Januari.
source : Icelandic Met Office

Weather - Météo - Weer (temperature,  wind, precipitation)
Monday-Lundi-Maandag 17/01/2011 @ midnight-minuit-middernacht.
Tuesday-Mardi-Dinsdag 18/01/2011 @ midnight-minuit-middernacht.
Wednesday-Mercredi-Woensdag 19/01/2011 @ noon-midi-middag.

Windchill - Sensation de froid - Gevoelstemperatuur.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Iceland Winter Map

ENG: This satellite photo has been taken on the 18th of February 2011 by ENVISAT , which is the largest Earth Observation spacecraft ever built and launched in 2002. I've been using several times satellite imagery, the last times was to monitor the flood of Lake Eyre in Australia in 2007 & 2008 to prepare for the Simpson desert crossing. It seems this year the snow cover isn't too bad. For next year I hope there's gonna be enough snow but not too much.

FRA: Cette photo satellite a été prise par ENVISAT le 18/02/2011. Celui-ci fût lancé en 2002 et est le plus gros engin d'observation terrestre jamais construit.. J'avais déjà eu recours à ces photos en 2007-2008 pour vérifier le remplissage du lac Eyre en Australie pour préparer la traversée du désert de Simpson. On dirait qu'il y a un beau manteau neigeux. J'espère en avoir un l'année prochaine qui sera pas trop fin et pas trop épais.