Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Summer Iceland Path Debrief

ENG: I have finished linking all 700 GPS points together. The result is shown in GoogleEarth including the elevation profile.

Distance linked points: 430km (370km between 2 extreme latitudes)
Estimated distance walked 600km.
Echography and X-rays of my leg didn't show fractures 4 weeks after finishing.

Summer Route in G-Maps or Download for G-Earth  

FRA: J'ai terminé de relier les 700 points GPS. Voici le résultant avec élévation dans GoogleEarth. La distance entre tous les points reliés est de 430km (370km en ligne droite entre le point de départ et d'arrivée) La distance de progression effective est estimée à 600km.
L'échographie et les rayons-X de ma jambe ne montrent pas de fractures après 4 semaines depuis la fin de l'expédition.

NL: Ik ben klaar met het verbinden van de 700 GPS punten. U ziet de hoogte profiel van de route en alle punten verbonden maakt een afstand van 430km. (370km in rechte lijn tussen het begen en einde punt) Ik veronderstel dat ik ongeveer 600km aflegde. De echografie en röntgenstralen tonen geen breuken aan m'n been vier weken na het einde van de expeditie. 

Sunday, August 1, 2010

In Reykyavik

ENG: It's LouPhi. I hitchhiked today to Reykyavik after waiting 1h30 on the ring road. I am staying at the salvation army (where I met a Belgian friend of Pierre Soete, see last years' Everest expedition). I will put photos ad add text to the previous posts early August, stay tuned. I am very skinny but will fid a scale to know how much I've lost. I will also upload the entire GPS route (700 points or so) on my main website for download. Arriving in the capital, I was already in the news (online) as someone would have followed the blog. Tomorrow I will go to RUV TV studio for giving video and interview. I expect to meet Halldor Kvaran and the pulkahut then take the plane and arrive in Paris at 6.30 am on Monday and at work at 10 in Brussels. Thanks for all comments, I will reply later.
I ate almost nothing yesterday night (100gr of chocolate left) but today my breakfast at 1pm consisted of 5 snickers + 1 foot long subway + 6inch inch subway sandwich.

I have a lot of surprises and stunning HD video and photos. Winter possible ? maybe, I'll have to try but with equipment and sponsors. No more glaciers without crampons, promised !